Sunday, February 04, 2007

Magwitch starts an oscars pool!

Fellow bloggers! Magwitch has decided to start an oscars pool, which will be entitled Taylor's first oscar pool. I've already sent some of you an invite, but if you haven't received one, please email me at and I'll send you one. The email will have more details about rules and mandatory fees (and possible rewards). The pool is being run through rocketpool, so hopefully everyone will able to see everyone's picks. Anyway, this may be a really stupid idea, but--be that as it may--let the games begin!


Anonymous said...

inquiring minds want to know: is betty&bimbo the knew Little Diamond Island Times?

magwitch the gruff australian said...

Indeed, like most publications, the LD Times has had to make the internet transition. Believe me, it's been tough on sales--for which reason I'm advocating for a "Betty and Bimbo select," where you can purchase "Classic Magwitch," "Classic B & B," "Classic Koko," etc.