Friday, November 17, 2006

Betty Recommends: Free Motion

My mom's wonderful personal trainer, Brett, is moving to Malaysia, and she's so bummed! Since she started working out with him about a year ago, Brett has made my mom so happy with his sane fitness advice, sense of humor, and encouragement.

Luckily for us, we can keep up with Brett, even in his jet-setting ways, through his blog, Free Motion. I particularly enjoyed his most recent post on the unforseen perils of yoga, particularly some of the "edgy pathological euphoria seeking yuppies" you might run into on the path to bliss.


B-Flx said...

Hi A -

You weren't here when I arrived, so I just decided to make myself at home in your blog. Hope you don't mind?

I like what you have done with the place, it's really coming a long nicely. And I have to say that your lastest post is brilliant. Your mother and her trainer sound like a great pair.

Gotta run, but same time tomorrow?

Betty and Bimbo said...

Come by anytime, B-Flx! Sorry I couldn't be around today to serve you some cookies.