Friday, December 08, 2006

No Offense to Beatrix Potter: Rushdie Returns

Even though Salman Rushdie visited us way back on the sixteenth of November, Little Hun believes that the delightful Rushdie quotes she is now revisiting in the depths of university finals season deserve a space on the shiny yellow screen of love that is Betty and Bimbo's blog. Oh, to be read to sleep by this charmingly pointy-chinned, bespectacled and bounty-hunted father of stories every night!

Salman told us that his pal Martin Amis only writes in pencil, and that when Amis edits, whatever replaces a word he has erased must fit into the old word's place exactly. And he told us these things, too:

"There are ways in which Greek tragedy is better than Saturday Night Live."

"My mother developed religion late in life, like rheumatism."

"Sex killed President Kennedy."

"The novel wants to be a woman in France who has an affair."

"If you wrote King Lear, you wouldn't think it was Peter Rabbit."

Little Hun wishes you could all see all of her doodles from this talk as well. They include, but are not limited to: Martin Amis' pencil, a ham sandwich, a dragon in the corner that eats the president, a pig, baby Salman Rushdie on a bike, and a hedge.


Anonymous said...

very good little hun, specially the drawings, please post them....
now, when is benhun going to post

venus (en el pudridero) said...

by the way, did you see that fascinating bunnyphobic rant at the />guardian online? beatrix potter exposed! --v.