Monday, June 30, 2008

A Farewell to Memes: Part III

As amateur historians of the funny web, we believe that the trend of stitching together "previews" for movies that never were began with "Brokeback to the Future" and its numberless spawn ("The Empire Brokeback", "Brokeback of the Rings", and "Brokeback Mountain - Christian Edition" among those we have viewed). The original remains the classic, the others inferior knock-offs (if you ask us).

But then along came the guffaw-hockers behind "Must Love Jaws", "Glen and Gary and Glen and Ross", and (posted below for your convenience and pleasure), "10 Things I Hate About Commandments".

Now these people know previews!! Betty and Bimbo have laughed at all three of these little gems so hard they have snorted.

Let the ten day countdown to weblessness begin...for now let us revel in a Mardi Gras of the modem.

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