Tuesday, March 04, 2008

and where were your vicissitudes sourced? or, where shall we march fourth to now that local is the new revolution.

So there was a name for that thing that was bothering us for the past few weeks and if the Times says it, it must be true -which reminds us that the color of 2008 is blue according to the sungay styles section, but we will leave that for some other moment-. They call it "orthorexia," which is the type of anorexia nervosa associated to those who wish only to eat healthily. "Is that a locally sourced, Protestant and Anglo-Saxon alfalfa sprout? You know I can only eat that!"

From one time to another, the neighbor had tried to get us out of bed by early enough Saturday morning to take us to that farmer's market thing in downtown D-Spot (a.k.a. "downtown sexy," since it's brooklynification; also note the fact that the market gathers in D-Spot's own Central Park). "It's all about the eggs, dear" said she. Now, Venus had refused to go there -- too many traumatic memories of bugs creeping in between the veggies. But once the threshold had been crossed, and the eggs broken and yolks eaten, there was no turning back. Venus felt perfectly at home and became (the most fabulous) one of so many localités, carrying wicker baskets to help them bring nature's bounty to their humble urban dwellings.

Of course, Venus forgot about the winter. Luckily for V. Walfoods Markt does carry a lot of everyday staples, such as mangos and avocados. And locally sourced too: Walfoods is right across the street.

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